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Connect Education Trust


Illness in School

When necessary, if a pupil is ill or has had a serious accident we will contact parents/carers by telephone to collect their child early. Pupils who are unwell are cared for by a trained member of staff. If your child has been sick at home please do not return them to school for at least 24 hours.

Telephone Numbers 

In case of emergency, at least two telephone numbers must be provided for every pupil, (hospitals are unwilling to administer treatment if a parent/carer is not present). If your telephone numbers change, please inform us immediately, as we need to be able to contact parents/carers quickly.

Contact Details 

Information sheets, including telephone numbers and email addresses, are to be filled in as soon as your child starts at our school. It is your responsibility to keep us up to date with your contact details. 


Parent/Carers may request prescribed medicines to be administered to their child at school by completing the appropriate documentation. This can be obtained from the school office. Permission is given at the discretion of the Headteacher.

Hospital and Clinic Appointments

Where appointments cannot be made outside of school time, parents are asked to give at least 24 hours notice of a medical appointment, where possible.

Child Protection

Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedures provides comprehensive details on our approach to keeping children safe.  


Entry for parents and visitors is via the office only. On arrival at the office, please press the intercom button and announce yourself.

The site entrances are occasionally open to allow access for pupils and staff only but these are secured afterwards. 

Restricted parking areas on site for staff and day visitors’ cars means that we cannot allow parents to park on the school grounds. Those wishing special dispensation due to disability must apply for permission in writing to the Chair of Governors.

All visitors to the site must wear a visitor badge and be subject to a DBS check if working on a regular basis with children.