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Connect Education Trust



START AT 8.35AM AND FINISH AT 3.00PM (32.5hrs per week including breaks)

Attendance and punctuality have a direct impact on a pupil's learning and on the smooth running of the school. Pupils are expected to be in school at the above times ready for the start of the school day. Any pupil arriving after this time must be signed in via the school office.


We do expect parents to co-operate fully in encouraging regular attendance.

We work closely with the Educational Welfare Officer, who monitors punctuality and attendance. If attendance drops below 95%, parents are invited in to see the Educational Welfare Officer and the Headteacher. The Educational Welfare Officer may prosecute in extreme cases.

End of the Day

At the end of the day, pupils should be collected at the times stated above.  Any pupil not collected by 4:45pm, without notice, will be referred to the police/social services.

Please see our Attendance Policy for more information.

Reporting Absences 

To report an absence, please call the attendance line on 0208 804 2101 option 1 before 9am on the first day of absence, or use the online Absence reporting form.

Every School Day Counts!

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Please click here for attendance information for parents