Year 5 Outdoor Learning

Today, Year 5 took part in a full day of activities linked to outdoor learning.
Being outdoors and in nature is known for a number of health benefits and Year 5 really benefited from their experience throughout the day with a range of activities planned.
“The whole day was interesting as I found that I can trust my peers during fun activities and we were able to be outside in nature working as a team.” – Savannah
“I really enjoyed working in a team, it was nice that we had to figure out how to complete tasks together, independently.” – Ozan
“It was a very interesting day because we had lots of activities. The games were fun as well because for some we had to communicate without talking.” - Yagmur
“It was a really good day because it allowed us to release our stress which helped to improve our mental health, especially when we worked together as a team completing the fun activities.” - Kai