Author, Onjali Q Rauf, visits Carterhatch

Onjali Q Rauf visited Carterhatch on Thursday 1 July 2021
We were extremely fortunate this week to have an author visit our school. She started the day visiting our Breakfast Club where she helped out by making hot toast for the pupils and she played a game of hangman! She chose a famous person, Marcus Rashford, for the children to guess and explained he was the inspiration for her latest book ‘The Great Food Bank Heist’.
The bread we use for pupils across the school is from the Greggs Foundation which is a charity that raises funds so children across many schools can have a good start to their day through breakfast. Greggs believes this gives children a good start in life. Proceeds of Onjali’s new book, which is out in October, will be donated to the Greggs Foundation.
Year 4, who studied one of her books ‘The boy at the back of the class’, was lucky enough to meet Onjali in a special assembly. The children were able to hear her read an extract from her new book and were even given a gift box by her with a free book inside. Onjali was a pleasure to have in our school and left the children with lots of inspiring words and advice for their bright futures:
Never give up on your dreams
Your voice is yours and should be heard
Read as much as possible; never stop reading
The pupils asked many questions such as:
What made you want to become a writer?
Who inspired you to be a writer?
Where do you get your inspiration from for your books?
What advice would you give us as children who want to be authors or illustrators?
How long did it take you to write your book?
Did you write the ‘Boy at the Back of the Class’ to raise awareness for the experiences of refugees?