Whole school 2021-2022
- Suffolks registration for September 2022PDF File
- First Kicks Summer Camp Mon 25.07.22 to Thu 28.07.22PDF File
- End of year letter - 8 July 2022PDF File
- Lynda Hannaford end of term letter - 4 July 2022PDF File
- Bug Club Slides 2022PDF File
- Change of Trust name - Letter to Parents 1 July 2022PDF File
- Bug Club - Letter to Parents June 2022PDF File
- Fern House Consultation - June 2022PDF File
- Polio-Vaccination-Letter - 30 June 2022PDF File
- Year Group Sports Events - 23 May 2022PDF File
- Official ELT photography letter - 16 May 2022PDF File
- Bike incident - 21 April 2022PDF File
- PHE letter - Chickenpox and Scarlet Fever - 31 March 2022PDF File
- Outdoor Learning Days - 21 March 2022PDF File
- Red Nose day and Elena leaving - 14 March 2022PDF File
- Ukraine letter - March 2022PDF File
- Outdoor Learning Days - Spring 2022PDF File
- News from Board of Trustees - 7 December 2021PDF File
- Outdoor learning letter - November 2021PDF File
- Chromebook chargers - November 2021PDF File
- Covid measures for class showcases - November 2021PDF File
- Anti bullying Week & Children in Need - 2021PDF File
- Annual Nasal Flu Vaccination - 4 November 2021PDF File
- Enfield Foodbank Harvest Festival - October 2021PDF File
- One Goal champions workshop letter - 1 October 2021PDF File
- Funded childcare for 3-4 year oldsPDF File
- Funded hours for 2 year oldsPDF File
- Karate Spring 2022PDF File
- Kids Alive Poster Salvation ArmyPDF File
- Parents Online Workshop 22 January 2022PDF File
- World Book Day February 2022PDF File
- Enfield HAF Easter 2022 brochurePDF File
- FREE SCHOOL MEALS Year 6 to Year 7 2022PDF File
- RSE Letter Year 5 and 6 2022 updatedPDF File
- University of Kings College Survey 2022 Years 5 and 6PDF File
- Queens Platinum Jubilee PicnicPDF File
- Understanding County Lines Event 11 June 2022PDF File
- Reminder Whole School Request for LeavePDF File
- New Year 3 Classes for Sept 2021PDF File