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Connect Education Trust

Supporting your child's learning 

General ways to support your child's learning 

  • Play with and talk to your child e.g. Ask them about their day, what they did and what they enjoyed. It is very important to talk in your own ‘mother-tongue’, even if this is not English. This will enhance your child’s capacity to learn other languages and learn difficult concepts later on in life.
  • Limit the amount of television time. Research has shown that children who watch a lot of TV have a less developed vocabulary and do less well at school.
  • Take your child to parks and museums. Many are free!
  • Make sure your child gets enough sleep. Children up to 10 years may still need up to 10 hours sleep a night.
  • Support your child with their home learning. If you are unsure about a task yourself, please do not hesitate to contact the school. 
  • Make sure your child eats a healthy diet. If your child takes a packed lunch to school, ensure it contains appropriate food, such as sandwiches, yoghurt and fruit. Please do not give them chocolate, biscuits or cakes.
  • Ensure your child gets regular exercise, walk to school if possible. 
  • Make sure your child attends school every day, unless they are unwell.