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Connect Education Trust


As a staff we endeavour to establish a good relationship with all parents and carers. We actively encourage good communication between home and school. Parents are welcome to meet with staff or the Headship Team to discuss their children. Please do not hesitate to contact the school. It is not always necessary to make an appointment, as we will endeavour to see you immediately if we are able.  Alternatively you can make an appointment to see them via the school office.

Arbor App

As you are aware, we are now using the above app to communicate with parents rather than through text messages for which school has to pay additional costs.  The app is free of charge on Google Play or Android.  We are sure you will agree that school funds are best spent on the pupils.

If you have not already done so, could you please download the app as soon as possible in order to avoid missing important information and to be able to book after school clubs.

Arbor log in guidance 


During the year, you will receive invitations to various events – Open days, Assemblies etc. Please attend as many as possible to share in the successes of all the pupils as well as your own child. For information of event dates, please refer to our newsletter.

Curriculum Newsletters 

At the beginning of each term, you will receive a curriculum information sheet, giving a brief account of the work the pupils will be doing during the term. Please click here for Curriculum newsletters.


Our newsletter is published monthly to the school website with dates of school events and general school news.  For latest news and news of the week, please click here.

Teacher and Parent/Carer Consultations

We hold two formal Teacher/Parent consultations per year, the first in the autumn term to enable teachers and parents to get to know each other early in the school year and the second in spring term. Every pupil is invited along so that they are directly involved in reviewing progress in their learning and setting their own targets to work towards.  At the end of the summer term, your child will bring home his/her report. 

Click here for information on how to book parent consultation appointments.

Parent Governors

We have 2 Parent Governors who are members of the Local Governing Board (LGB) and currently there are no vacancies.  Parent Governors bring a parents' perspective to the LGB. They are a direct contact for you and can liaise between the Headteacher and Governors on your behalf. All parents are invited to put themselves forward for election as a vacancy arises on the Local Governing Board.