Latest News
- 25/06/20
Poems spark conversation
Enfield Council has recently posted an article on Facebook focusing on the poetry project that schools across Enfield had taken part in with Poet Cheryl Moskowitz. It was lovely to see one of the workshops held at Carterhatch pictured in the post. The full art...Read Full Story - 19/06/20
Rights Respecting School
As part of our work as a Rights Respecting School, all our pupils have been thinking about the Black Lives Matter campaign. We have been thinking about racism - the need for equality. This thoughtful and creative image was created by Maja in 4 Levete. Click here to see Blue Pe...Read Full Story - 16/06/20
The New Normal
Following her ‘Just Supposing…’ poem in the first edition of The Hatch, Cheryl Moskowitz has been working on a new collection of poetry, The Corona Collection – A Conversation. The poems focus on children’s experiences and ways of coping during lockdown, what they...Read Full Story - 11/06/20
Year 5 Rivers
Aden decided to create a model for the Year 5 rivers and mountains topic. He based his model on the River Nile (after studying Ancient Egypt earlier in the school year). He has created an amazing river effect. Fantastic work Aden!Read Full Story - 10/06/20
Design skills on show in Year 6
Face coverings have become an important item over recent week; allowing people to go about their daily lives and enter shops whilst being protected. Some people are purchasing their face coverings whilst others have decided to make their own. In the video below, Efua explains the face cover...Read Full Story - 09/06/20
Anglo Saxons for Year 4
Year 4 have been studying the Anglo Saxon invasions. By using a mixture of text and images Aalina created a power point to show her understanding of Anglo Saxons. Why not find out for yourselves! Click on the image below to see Aalina's power point.Read Full Story - 08/06/20
Unicef 2.6 challenge and acrostic poems for Yr3
Year 3, have been keeping their bodies active and healthy. Take a look at Ayla’s video of her completing the Unicef 2.6 challenge. She did a fantastic job of hula hooping for more than two minutes! Year 3 have been improving their poetry skills. Aral...Read Full Story - 05/06/20
- 04/06/20