Year 4 Outdoor Learning

Today, Year 4 had a wonderful day outside in our school grounds for their Outdoor Learning Day.
The children took part in a range of different team building activities, which tested their team work and cooperation skills. They had a chance to get creative by building pictures from the natural materials they could find on the field, they then designed frames on the playground floor around their artworks. To support their maths geometry learning, children made 2D shapes out of ropes and become coordinates on a life-sized quadrant. Year 4 ended the day around the campfire, singing campfire songs such as ‘Boom Chicka Boom’ and ’10 Green Bottles’. A fantastic time was had by all and we can’t wait to do it again!
“I liked outdoor learning day because I enjoyed that we could learn together outside in the fresh air,” Sophia.
“What I liked about outdoor learning day was making shapes with the rope because it was fun to be creative,” Xavier.
“I really enjoy outdoor learning because we get go outside and do special activities. My favourite was the campfire because we sang songs,” Hassan.