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Connect Education Trust

5 Berners-Lee Class Showcase

A huge well done to 5 Berners-Lee Class for their amazing showcase to their parents and carers today!

The children were so proud to share their learning journey from the past half term. It was fantastic to see so many parents and carers attending the session and to witness the joy the children took when discussing their work. All of the children took an active part in presenting what they have been learning across all of the subjects and were articulate in doing so. Thank you for attending today, for all your positive comments and supporting your child with their learning at Carterhatch Junior School.

“I really enjoyed getting the chance to share what I have been learning with my parents!” Zainab.

“It was so exciting getting to see my mum try the arithmetic starters that we have in maths!” Silan.

“It was very interesting listening to how parents would deal with different dilemmas.” Ayshen.

“It was really fun seeing the parents reactions to our slideshow of photos,” Ozan.