6 Hadid Class Showcase

Well done to 6 Hadid Class for their amazing showcase!
The children were extremely proud to showcase their learning from across the curriculum. They presented an impressive range of work that they completed in just under a month since our return from the summer break.
It was wonderful to see so many parents to celebrate Hadid’s learning. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend.
Our pupils said:
“I got to battle my mum in Maths and show her how much I’ve learned since we started in Year 6,” Ashiah.
“It was great to show all of our adults the work we’ve completed this year. I especially enjoyed showing my mum my work in English and my interview with Matthew Henson. She was very proud of me” Jontae.
“My mum enjoyed seeing my artwork and my self portrait from Be Proud week. I wanted her to see my work in Maths too because I’ve worked really hard,” Elvin.
“I showed my parents my Keynote presentation on the timeline of democracy. I liked using a QR code and explained the significance of the key events and how power has traditionally been held by men with money. That’s why the Suffragettes were so important in achieving representation for women,” Zara.